What is Growth Tracker
Growth Tracker is a continuous shopping, usage and attitudes research product.
It can be customised to any industry category, is relevant for both product and services businesses, and is focused on helping measure, inform and track growth opportunities for your organisation.
By measuring shopper, consumer and user behaviours, preferences and attitudes on an ongoing basis, Growth Tracker provides you with real-time insight into how your products, services and brands are performing in the market, and the impact of your marketing activity on driving growth.

84% of liquor purchase decisions are made before the shopper enters the store.
And the consumption occasion is the #1 driver of liquor shoppers’ willingness to pay.
Source: IRI Liquor Lens shopper Survey December 2021
Benefits of Growth Scope
Growth Scope exists to make powerful consumer insights more:
Up to date
Growth scope supports all of your key commercial challenges
Category thought leadership

Build winning category defence plan
Build winning category entry plans
Create stand out and informative range review submissions
Insights to inform category growth driver development, valuation or updates
Sharper shopper marketing programs
Inform consumer and shopper segmentation correctly
Leverage a better understanding of shopper missions and path to purchase
Build compelling purchase and consumption decision hierarchy/decision trees

Unlock breakthrough innovation and brand strategy
Fewer, Faster, Bigger Better - NPD/Promotional planning and screening
Make better portfolio choices – Eradicate brand cannibalisation, close portfolio gaps.
Improve brand propositions and positioning by understanding needs by occasion
Build a winning channel strategy – which channels, which geographies for which brands and packs

Lift the fog
by closing blind spots in the market
Understanding on-premise category performance
Understanding Endeavour Group category performance
Understanding online category and retailer performance
Understanding consumer occasions by category or retailer or channel

Independent research shows that liquor purchases are a highly planned activity that are fundamentally underpinned by the consumption occasions.
Growth Scope is the only market wide continuous measure of the who, what, when, where, why and how much of liquor consumption occasions in Australia. We draw a unique line of sight between consumption behaviour and purchase behavior, rounding out the end-to-end path to purchase and thereby enabling market participants maximise their growth potential.
We track liquor consumption today and every day to identify changes over time and in real time.
What is Growth Scope
Growth scope is a continuous usage and attitudes study into the liquor consumption market in Australia.

Growth scope starts with the all important consumption occasion
Then unpacks who are the consumers on that occasion
What products they are consuming
And links all of this through to the associated shopping behaviour for those products on those occasions
Growth Scope is a natural complement to other market data sources already being widely leveraged throughout the industry such as scan sales, shopper panel and shopper behaviour trackers.
Growth Scope answers the following questions for the liquor industry
Who consumes?
What do they consume?
Why do they consume what they consume?
When do they consume?
Where do they consume?
Who do they consume with?
When do they purchase?
Where & why do they purchase?
What would they have preferred?
What is the price premium paid?
Which brands and products do they consume?
Why do they choose those offerings?
We provide integrated insights into the 5W's and 1 H of marketing to consumers of liquor
Who with
Social setings
# units
Relative price paid
Format share %
Category share %
Channel share %
Product share %
Product categories
Leading brands
Formats for consumption & purchase
Available options
Time of day
Day of week
Functional needs
Emotional needs
Consumption occasions
Shopper needs & behaviour
Our coverage
We capture over 15,000 alcohol consumption occasions per year. Our sample is nationally representative of LDA consumers in Australia.​
​Growth Scope measures:
All liquor categories and sub-categories
All consumer groups and associated shopper cohorts
All off premise channels
All on premise channels
All retailers and retail banner groups
All consumption and purchase formats and pack sizes
Every day of the year
Accessing Growth Scope
You can access insights from Growth scope in three ways:
Off the shelf reports available through our report shop
Bespoke analysis to solve a specific brief - contact us to discuss your brief
Subscriptions to our intuitive online portal which has all of the Growth Scope insights available at the click of a button - contact us for a free demo

Some clients of Growth Scope

Director - Commercial
Acknowledged as one of Australia’s Top Marketers by Adnews, Andrew gets consumers. He see’s behind the data to understand why they behave the way that they do, translates their behaviour into your business implications, and then shapes the strategic choices needed to enable your business to grow faster and more profitably.
With a global C-suite career as a CMO, Regional Strategy Director, and Global Innovation Director in the UK, China, ASEAN and Australia, as a Management Consultant working across Asia Pacific, and past director of the AANA, Andrew has led the beverage and snacking teams that have shaped the strategic direction and success of some of the world’s favourite brands.
Meet the Growth Scope leadership team.
Our leadership team are expert liquor industry marketers & strategists, market research & insights specialists and data science gurus who know what questions should be asked, how to ask them and how to analyse and present the answers in a meaningful way to the industry.

Director - Data & Anaytics
Irene bridges the gap between data, technology and better marketing decisions. A technical specialist with a passion for consumer behaviour, she has worked extensively across research and big data, specialising in advanced analytics and business intelligence.
As a data scientist, Irene learned the power of data to effect change. She has analysed billions of rows of data, helped countless businesses answer sticky questions, and even used data science to keep a power station running. Through this experience, Irene has developed a keen understanding of how to maximise the value of data and its impact on commercial outcomes. She now applies this knowledge to build marketing insight solutions that support data-driven decision making.
BSc (Psych) BCA (Mktg)

Director - Research & Product
A career researcher and insights professional, Mel is a business pragmatist with a data driven mindset.
Mel doesn’t believe in research for research’s sake, rather she believes that research should tangibly add value to a business or it should not be done at all.
Mel works closely with organisations to truly understand their business and their problems and applies this knowledge to design the optimal approach to finding the answers.
She is an industry leader in research product management, syndicated research management, client benchmarking, and product design, development and execution.
BA(Psych) BCom(Mktg) MBA