What is Growth Tracker
Growth Tracker is a continuous shopping, usage and attitudes research product.
It can be customised to any industry category, is relevant for both product and services businesses, and is focused on helping measure, inform and track growth opportunities for your organisation.
By measuring shopper, consumer and user behaviours, preferences and attitudes on an ongoing basis, Growth Tracker provides you with real-time insight into how your products, services and brands are performing in the market, and the impact of your marketing activity on driving growth.
“Consumption occasions are…fundamentally important in liquor when understanding why our customers choose a category, brand and ultimately a product to purchase and consume”
National retailer
Occasion led thinking is becoming increasingly more recognised and adopted as a way of thinking, planning and investing by liquor manufacturers, distributors and retailers.
To learn more about liquor consumption occasions and how to leverage them to grow your brand and sales, register for our "Unlocking Occasions" five-part report series.
Register below to be notified when each report is released.
Download reports below
Understand the link between consumption occasions and shopper behaviour and therefore the importance of using occasions understanding to build successful
shopper marketing strategies.
Consumption Occasions
What and Why?
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Unpack the different components of consumption occasions that you need to understand using the who, what, when, where, why and how (much) framework.
Understanding occasions in detail: The 5W’s and 1H of occasions
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Learn how to go about prioritising which occasions to focus your resources on for maximum ROI.
Prioritising occasions for your business
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Understand the key elements of building winning portfolio strategy to enable you to bring occasions to life for your brands
Executing against occasions for category sales, brand and marketing success
Coming Soon
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Coming soon
Coming soon
Measuring and tracking performance and outcomes