4 x quarterly reports for your nominated retail channel.
Each report will contain top level insights into the following areas:
The key shopping behaviours of people who shop in your nominated channel (e.g. shopper missions, purchase criteria, influence of price promotions)
The key products consumed when purchased from your nominated channel (category and sub-category) and the key consumption formats.
Details around the consumer and shopper in this channel (age, gender, location, affluence) and also who they are consuming with (friends, family, work colleagues, small groups, large groups, alone)
Details around the specific consumption occasions the products purchased from your nominated channel were actually consumed on (e.g. day of week, time of day, with food, location of consumption, reasons for the occasion, activities being engaged in while consuming, functional and emotional needs being satisfied)
Each report will contain data for the most recent financial year quarter, enabling you to monitor changes in shoppers, consumers and behaviours accross the year.
Upon subscription you will receive the most recent quarter's report available for your channel via email. At the end of each financial year quarter thereafter you will receive the most recent quarter's report.
GST will be added to the subscription price at checkout.